Common Misconceptions About WordPress

12 Common Misconceptions About WordPress Which Should Be Cleared.

No doubt that WordPress is one of the best platforms to build a better blog. People are up for the positive results with this useful CMS.

But a few people have some common misconceptions about WordPress. They think that WordPress has some limitations which can’t be removed.

Do you too think the same? In this article, you will come to know about the most common misconceptions about WordPress.

Whether you’re a blogger or a developer, you should know that people have built the wrong mindset about WordPress.

Here Is the List of Misconceptions People Should Get Rid of.

Keep every possible point in your mind to make it clear.

#1. Beginners Think and As The Same.

There are many people who still think that WordPress is paid and no one can build a blog without any money.

The newbies should know that is the free platform whereas is the platform to start your professional blog.

Before you enter in this blogosphere and start using WordPress, you should know the difference between both the versions of WordPress.

#2. WordPress isn’t Good For All The Businesses.

Whether you start a simple blog or a company, you can use WordPress anywhere you want.

People should learn about the exploration of this amazing content management system. WordPress is all about giving its best service for every business.

Whether you run a news site or a non-profitable organization, WordPress has the solution for everything.

#3. WordPress Has Security Issues.

It’s always recommended that before you make a decision, you should learn everything about that particular thing.

There are many security plugins which can help you to keep your WordPress website secure. You can add some more security barriers.

Disable PHP execution, limit the login attempts, hide your WordPress directory and many other things.

#4. WordPress Is Not For Big Companies.

This is one of the most common misconceptions about WordPress.

People think that WordPress is only for the small websites and big companies don’t use it. They should know that most of the top websites are running on WordPress.

Whether you look upon a motor company or any tech-based company, WordPress is everywhere.

#5. All WordPress Plugins Are Free.

There are thousands of plugins available in WordPress repository which make it easy to handle a WordPress website.

But you shouldn’t think that all the plugins in the market are free of cost. To have some qualitative plugins, you have to pay.

There are many premium plugins which can help you to add more features to your site.

#6. WordPress Is Only A Tool For Blogging.

It’s true that WordPress was only for blogging in the starting but today, it has evolved so much. You can have the best services from it.

Around 23% of the websites are running on this awesome CMS but people aren’t aware of its features.

WordPress has grown up to be a tool for every kind of website. From a technical website to the teaching website, it’s everywhere.

#7. You Can’t Build An E-commerce Website Using WordPress.

This is one of the common misconceptions about WordPress. People think that you can start your online store using WordPress.

There are a few platforms like Shopify which are specially developed for the e-commerce websites.

But you should know that with the use of some plugins, you can start your own e-commerce website with WordPress.

#8. WordPress Support Is Limited.

Have you ever gone through the WordPress forums? If you did then you would never think about the limitations of WordPress support.

People have developed their skills to know everything about WordPress and you can have the solution for everything.

There is an official WordPress forum where you can post your question or problem and people will solve it.

#9. You Can’t Re-design The WordPress Websites.

Many people think that WordPress website can have only one look which is set in the starting. They don’t know that most of the WordPress themes have the theme customizer which can be handled from the admin area only.

If you have a little bit of knowledge about web designing then you can re-design a WordPress website according to your company.

There are many theme providers like Elegant Themes, MyThemeShop etc which can help you to choose the best look for your website.

#10. WordPress Has The Low Quality.

Most of the people have in their mind that WordPress is a free tool so it has the poor quality.

Don’t you think it is one of the most common misconceptions about WordPress? People are emerging with the usage of this CMS.

Every now and then, people are starting the new blogs with the help of this amazing platform. A few people still think that it’s not qualitative.

#11. You Require An Expert To Start A WordPress Blog.

Don’t you read any guide to start your own blog and make money from it?

In every WordPress blog, you can find a guide to start a blog. There is nothing hard with that. You just have to follow the guide which doesn’t require any technical knowledge.

I have met many people who still think that it’s so hard to start a blog with WordPress. I mean why would anyone think like that before even trying?

#12. Google Doesn’t Love WordPress.

People know that SEO is one the most important aspects of a website.

And they think that a WordPress website can’t have a better SEO score. Well, they are mistakes. There are many SEO plugins like SEO Yoast, All In One SEO Pack etc.

There are many SEO tips and tricks which can help you increase the SEO of your WordPress website.

Do You Still Have Those Common Misconceptions About WordPress?

From the past few years, I have been using WordPress and I have never felt the need to use anything else.

What about you? Do you still have anything in your mind related to WordPress? No doubt that every person has something in his/her mind and you can’t change it.

But at least you can provide the proper guide which clears their common misconceptions about WordPress.

Do you relate to any of the point mentioned in the list? If you do then clear it.

by Ravi Chahar

A WordPress Professional and the LinkedIn Influencer. A coder by passion and a blogger by choice. WordPress theme development is his forte. He is your WordPress guy who will teach you how to solve WordPress errors, WordPress security issues, design issues and what not.

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  1. Awesome post Ravi,

    Almost every newbie have to deal with these misconceptions.

    Thanks for sharing.



  2. Hey Ravi,

    You have arises great points regarding WordPress and they are really makes confusion among people because some of my friends comes with this kind of question, mainly and Security for this platform is really a burning problem, we commonly hear – sites are hacked. WordPress is best flexible platform for content development in order to gain popularity among peoples. Today, several plugins are free of cost but are they effective with their features, from my opinion most of them are worst. Eventually, thanks for sharing your ideology regarding this subject.

    With best wishes,

    Amar kumar

    1. Hi Amar,

      The WordPress websites may get hacked but only when people don’t take necessary steps to harden the security of their websites.

      There are many plugins which can protect your website and if you spend some money and premium services are there to protect your WordPress website.

      Thanks for stopping by

      Have a great day.


  3. Very Nice Post Ravi,

    You are absolutely right that these are some of the misconception about WordPress. Some of them thinks that WordPress is unsecured and not SEO friendly.You have elaborated the things in an easy way.

    1. Hey Vishwajeet,

      Many newbies have the misconceptions which should be cleared. They should understand that WordPress has more features than they think.

      Thanks for stopping by.


  4. You are right on each of those counts, Ravi.

    — WordPress is one of the most secure platforms there is. The onus of keeping a site secure lies with WordPress users though. Simple things like keeping wordpress core updated, keeping themes and updates updated, and using good hosting.

    — WordPress is perfect for small, medium and large businesses. In fact, some of the world’s biggest companies like Ford use WordPress. There are many more examples, of course.

    — There are premium plugins and premium hosting services. Free isn’t always the best way to go.

    — It doesn’t take experts to work with WordPress, to start a blog, or to redesign (especially with Divi Builder, Beaver Builder, and many other offerings in the market.

    Spot on, Ravi. This really helps beginners clear some misconceptions that could be hurting them.


    1. Hey Ash,

      You got it right.

      It’s on the user to keep the website secure. WordPress has provided many things like hiding the directories, disabling the PHP execution and many others.

      If you know all those things, if can harden the security of your website with no backdoor left. Only vulnerable website get hacked.

      There are many WordPress website builders.

      Thanks for sharing your thoughts.

      Have a great day.


  5. Hey Ravi,

    I wonder why these misconceptions. It baffles me.

    But then you’ve cleared up all the trash thinking, bro.

    Thanks for sharing.


        1. There is nothing to get confused. It just people take WordPress as a simple CMS but it’s more than that. If you dwell to it, you will learn more about it. Many people have misconceptions about WordPress. They can only know about the real power of WordPress if they try to know more.

  6. Hello, Ravi. I think this is my second visit to your blog. Firstly, I would like to tell you that I’m in love with your theme design. It’s just more than awesome.

    Now coming to the point, I used Blogger platform approx 2 years but when I migrated my websites to WordPress, then my rankings automatically increased.

    People, who have these misconceptions will surely get their answers from this post. I’ve also bookmarked it, and if anybody asks me or debate me on this matter, then I will refer him to this article.

    Thanks for pointing out these misconceptions and to tell people that WordPress in the only best solution for all type of websites and Blogs. ?

    Have a great week ahead buddy!

    1. Hey Paramjot,

      The theme is a self-developed custom theme which has been crafted with love.

      Blogger is a great platform to start blogging for free but for a professional career, you need to use the reliable platforms like WordPress.

      Many people have conceptions about WordPress of not being a platform worth spending money on. The percentage of the number of websites running on this amazing CMS has increased from 23% to 26% and still growing.

      It’s because of the free sources and many plugins.

      Thanks for taking the time to share your thoughts.


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